While chiropractors offer a valuable service, there are some shady practices and marketing tactics that should make you think twice before doing business with them.
If you are looking for a local chiropractic business in your area, you may be wondering why some chiropractors are legitimate and others aren’t. To find out which ones are legitimate, check out my blog about 10 red flags of a chiropractic business.

We all want to know if a new business is legit before we invest our time and money in it. But how do you know what to look for? Let’s review the most common signs that a chiropractic business may not be legitimate.
You probably don’t want to visit a chiropractic office if you see any of these signs.
No physical examination
In a recent survey of chiropractic practices, I found that less than 30% of chiropractic doctors had an examination form for new patients. While it may seem common sense, there are many reasons why having a physical examination done by a doctor should be a must when seeing a chiropractor. Not only is having a physical exam performed by a medical professional a good practice, but it also protects the patient from getting stuck with a doctor who doesn’t know their anatomy or who simply doesn’t care to find out.
A physical examination is very important for patients to get the right treatment. It will also help the doctor to check the health condition of the patient and to diagnose any diseases or injuries that may be present. A physical examination helps to determine the amount of strain or force that is put on a particular body part during an activity.
When you go for a chiropractic exam, you will be checked on your head, neck, back, hips, knees, and ankles. If you are experiencing any pain in any of those areas, you may have a problem with your spinal alignment. A physical examination is a simple procedure that you can complete in less than 10 minutes. If you feel nervous about going to the doctor, don’t be. In most cases, the exam takes no more than 5 minutes and it will provide you with useful information about your health.
A physical examination is often performed in the office. It can be done quickly and easily. The doctor will ask you questions regarding your past medical history and the health condition of your current body. Your doctor may conduct a few tests to determine if you have any health issues or if you have an injury.
Unlicensed doctor
Chiropractors who operate without a license from the Philippines are committing fraud. According to the Association of Professional Chiropractors of the Philippines (APCP), an increasing number of chiropractors are practicing medicine without a license.
The APCP says that chiropractors have been prescribing dangerous drugs and performing risky procedures without any medical training. So if you see a chiropractor on your radar for your next appointment, here are some warning signs to keep in mind that they may be running a scam.
These unlicensed chiropractors are usually located in small towns. Many of these chiropractors will tell you that you have been suffering from nerve compression. They will also tell you that it would be necessary for you to receive chiropractic adjustments to correct the problem. Don’t fall for it and always check if you are dealing with a legit chiropractic clinic and not with a shady chiropractor who is operating under the radar.
Foreign Chiropractors working in the Philippines need to have an acrive licenses from their respective countries, they have to apply through PITAHC, a separate part of DOH. Chiropractors have to show that they are licensed and show school transcripts from the college they have graduated from. Foreign Chiropractors are allowed to practice under the 1995 TAMA law. If they don’t get a PITAHC certificate then they are practicing medicines without a license. It’s important for you to know as a patient, that the chiropractor has the right licenses.
They’re not listed on a searchable database
If you’ve been looking for a new chiropractor, you’ve probably come across a lot of names with no information on Google, Yelp or any other searchable database. These doctors operate illegally and have no background check required to practice medicine. Don’t fall for the offer of a cheaper or more convenient care without checking if the doctor is licensed.
They don’t have a website
I found myself in a situation like this recently. I needed a chiropractor and did a quick web search. The first chiropractor I visited had no website or any online presence. I felt uneasy about my visit, but I went ahead and booked my appointment. I ended up spending over PhP 10.000 because my initial chiropractor didn’t perform the necessary tests and adjustments. This experience left me wondering whether I was getting value for my money. When you’re looking for a local doctor, don’t settle for a sub-par experience. Do your homework and look for chiropractors with websites, patient reviews, and social media accounts to verify their credibility.
Low customer reviews
To start the search for a chiropractor in your area, it can be helpful to check out Facebook and Google reviews. One of the biggest red flags on these reviews is if there are numerous reviews but they are all extremely negative. It’s best to look for reviews that are evenly split between positive and negative reviews.
According to Consumer Reports, people who are skeptical of chiropractic treatment often search for online reviews. When reading customer reviews, always look for complaints, especially if there are multiple negative reviews. Negative comments on websites like Facebook and Google Reviews can be helpful for finding the bad reviews on a business.
When looking for reviews online, pay attention to any complaints of missing appointments, inconsistent care, or unrealistic expectations. You can also visit your local chiropractor and take a tour of the facility to see if things seem to be run smoothly.
They only accept cash
I remember reading a great article that had to do with the fact that, if you’re in a chiropractic office that only takes cash, it could mean that the company isn’t legitimate or the practice owner is trying to hide something. The article also said that a chiropractor who accepts checks, credit card and bank deposits is more trustworthy than someone who only accepts cash.
Some chiropractors don’t have card terminals because banks are a hassle to deal with. To accept cards just means they jumped through hoops with banks in order to have or offer options for payment for services.
If you are going to be around a chiropractor, you need to find out whether or not he or she accepts all forms of payment. There are some people who would rather not give out any personal information. They just don’t want to risk having their information being used by people who don’t have their best interests in mind.
Of course, this may not be a problem for you if the chiropractor has a good reputation. You need to make sure that the chiropractor is reputable, and he or she should tell you right away if they only accept cash. Make sure that you receive reciepts that are from BIR. This is important so that you know whether or not the doctor is legitimate.
The Business Has No Reviews
If the business has no reviews and also is not open at the address listed on its website or does not have a website at all, you should be suspicious.
The Business has No Social Media Presence
A company that can’t demonstrate that it has any kind of social media presence is a red flag of a dubious, or potentially fraudulent, business. If you find out that a company doesn’t have any reviews or any reviews are positive, you should be very cautious.
You should investigate further and you should do your research before you order anything from the company. The best way to find out about a business is to ask around. If you don’t know anyone who owns or works at the business, you can check with the DOH.
You can also check the company’s website and see if they have any reviews or if the information is accurate. You may want to check if the company has been around for a while and you can do this by checking its incorporation records.
They charge more than they should
There are a few reasons why shady chiropractors may charge more than they need to, says Dr. Jonathan Ruben Goins. Number one, many chiropractors charge whatever their patients are willing to pay for their services. This is a form of price gouging, which is illegal. Second, they may charge more because they’re trying to get their patients to book more appointments, thereby increasing the amount of revenue they bring in.
At Atlas chiropractic clinic we are always transparant, we start with 1. Consultation, 2. Examination and 3. A Treatment Plan.
Chiropractic visits can be unnerving when you don’t know what to expect, but you don’t have to worry because your chiropractor only wants you to experience the best that chiropractic has to offer. On your first visit, your chiropractor might need you to undergo an initial intake and a physical exam. Prepare to be asked about your medical history. In terms of tests, you should expect to be given an orthopedic & neurological exam; and an X-Ray or MRI if necessary. After which, he will be able to prescribe you with the appropriate chiropractic treatment plan.
The doctor will proceed to locate the areas of your back where you might have spinal misalignments. You should make sure to share with him your experiences of having difficulty with everyday tasks so he can make a prudent judgment on your treatment.
Tell your chiropractor about areas on your back where you feel the most discomfort – this will allow him to properly lay out a chiropractic treatment plan specifically for you.
Treatment Plan
Finally, your chiropractor determines the best treatment plan for you based on the severity of your condition, and what is needed to help you achieve the best outcome. He will inform you of the target points in order to address your spinal issues over a specific duration. Chiropractic treatment is not about getting you to instantly feel better, but to heal the right way.
Claims that are misleading, unsubstantiated and can’t be substantiated
It’s been shown that spinal manipulation is the most effective way to treat a wide range of ailments.
Shady Chiropractors claims that aren’t backed up by real science are always going to be misleading, shady chiropractors are particularly prone to making them because the claims they make are often completely unsubstantiated.
In conclusion
I wrote this article to help patients know how to spot and avoid scamming dishonest chiropractors. This article provides patients with a checklist of red flags to look out for. I’ve compiled the ten most important red flags into a single list that patients can easily use to identify a crooked chiropractor. Use this guide to help you understand the red flags of a scamming chiropractor, and be smart and cautious when choosing who you hire.
In case you are injured or you feel physical complications, please do give us a call at +63 (0) 960-811-5931 and visit our chiropractic clinic for a chiropractic treatment or find more information on our website https://atlaschiro.ph/