Your spinal bones and discs are constantly being re-shaped and reshaped, as they respond to forces exerted on them from the rest of your body. This constant reshaping leads to tiny, but noticeable, changes in your posture over time. If you want to prevent these posture changes from happening, you need to keep your spine healthy.
What is spine health? Spine health means maintaining your spine so that it functions properly and stays strong for as long as possible. If your spine isn’t working as well as it could, you could suffer from pain, mobility issues, and other issues. You may notice changes in your posture and balance. While this article will only cover 5 tips, there are many more things you can do to help your spine stay healthy and prevent posture correction.

So, what if you could prevent spinal problems, and even cure them before they get serious?There are many things you can do to help your spine stay healthy, this blog will cover the best 5 tips!
Build a Strong Core
With aging comes spinal degeneration, which leads to chronic pain, reduced mobility, and even a loss of independence. But there are some simple ways to minimize the impact of age-related spinal deterioration, including keeping a strong core. Whether you’re a teenager or middle-aged, having strong abdominal and back muscles can reduce the risk of developing these conditions.
This is one of the best tips for spine health from Dr. Jonathan Ruben Goins. He advises that, as you age, the back bone, or vertebrae, naturally begins to lose strength. He suggests that if you’re worried about your back health, you should consider how you can build a strong core to maintain spine health.
Protect Your Joints
When we think of aging, we tend to think of two things. We think of our body starting to look older, and we think of having to take care of our body. It’s the latter that tends to get overlooked. It is important to realize that our joints become stiff and ache more frequently as we age. This is a natural phenomenon that all people experience. But, there are ways to alleviate the pain. The first thing to do is to maintain an active lifestyle. Exercise can reduce joint stiffness and help strengthen muscles and ligaments.
There are a number of exercises that are good for the joints. These include stretches, balance training, and aerobic exercise. When doing a stretch, make sure you move slowly. For example, if you want to stretch your Achilles tendon, make sure you slowly roll your heel towards your toes.
You can also perform balance training with exercises such as standing on one foot, holding onto the edge of a counter, standing on one foot while lifting your other foot off the ground, and walking on your toes. In addition, you can do a number of aerobic exercises to help build muscle, which helps to strengthen your ligaments and joints. A great way to do this is to play tennis, golf, or squash. You can also find other aerobic activities at your local gym.
Make Sure Your Back is Healthy
The spine is the center of your body. Think about it: your backbone supports all your weight, your body’s largest muscles, your legs, feet, arms, hands, fingers and toes are all attached to it. But without a strong spine, those things are simply out of balance.
People tend to stand and sit in ways that cause the lower back to become arthritic. For people who do any kind of physical activity, maintaining a healthy back is key. Here are some tips to help prevent injury to your back as you age.
Maintain a healthy posture. Sit in a chair with straight arms and shoulders. Look down while sitting to avoid slouching. Make sure to sit up straight so you can maintain a healthy spine. You should also stay away from activities that will force you to sit in a position that is uncomfortable. Do your best to avoid lifting heavy objects.
Avoid straining your back. When lifting, bend at the knees. Avoid lifting from the hips. Keep your neck loose and relaxed. Never pull or push with your hands or feet. Never twist or lift with your upper back.
Maintain a balanced diet. Eating a balanced diet of lean proteins and lots of fruits and vegetables is essential for your spine. Your diet should include some whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat bread and oatmeal. Fiber-rich foods such as beans, peas, lentils and nuts can help your digestive system, which aids digestion. Foods rich in calcium such as dairy products, fish, beans, and dark green vegetables can help to build strong bones.
Make sure to drink plenty of water. Water helps to flush toxins from your body. Try to drink eight glasses of water each day. Drinking too much alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate you. Be sure to drink eight glasses of water every day. You may need to take water breaks throughout the day if you are a coffee or tea drinker.
Exercise regularly. Try to get at least 30 minutes of daily exercise. Try swimming, walking, running, cycling, or doing yoga. Even if you don’t exercise, take the time to stand and move around. If you are seated most of the time, you are more likely to develop arthritis in your back.
Take regular breaks. Don’t spend all day working on the computer or watching television. Take frequent breaks and stretch. This will help to keep your back healthy.
Stretch regularly. Stretching is an important part of maintaining a healthy spine. To do this, stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Take one hand and place it behind your head. Reach over with the other hand and grab your lower back, above your hip. Pull your chest forward, inhale and exhale, and hold this position for a count of three. Hold this stretch for five seconds. Inhale and exhale and repeat the stretch for the other side.
If you are concerned that your back might be painful, talk to your chiropractor for chiropractic treatment.
Stay Flexible
“The spine is an intricate network of muscles, ligaments, bones, and nerves that supports our bodies and protects the spinal cord,” says Dr. Jonathan Ruben Goins, Chiropractor and Owner of Atlas Chiropractic Health Center in Santa Rosa, Laguna. “It is the main support structure for the human body, helping us to stand up, bend forward, and sit down, and it enables us to walk and run.” So, if your spine begins to lose some of its flexibility as you age, this can lead to problems like neck, lower back, and knee pain, and even spinal fractures. “You must maintain a flexible spine to maintain your ability to function normally,” Dr. Jonathan Ruben Goins says.
Maintaining your spine is important because it is a vital structure that supports your body and protects the spinal cord. Your spine plays a role in your overall health, especially your posture and movements. As you age, your spine can become stiff, and this can lead to problems. Stiffness in your spine can cause neck, back, and knee pain, and even spinal fractures. Stiffness in your spine is a common problem that many people experience. However, you can help to prevent this problem and prevent it from getting worse. You can start with regular exercises to maintain the health of your spine. Also, you can learn how to stretch and exercise properly. Remember, it is important to maintain the health of your spine as you age.
Stretch Every Day
Most people don’t know this, but stretching is an excellent way to maintain spine health as you age. Stretching makes sure that your spine is flexible and strong, making you feel more comfortable all day long. If you are older, you should be doing at least 30 minutes of daily stretching to keep your spine healthy.
In conclusion
The spine changes as we age. In fact, spinal discs that are damaged or degenerated tend to bulge outward and cause pressure on the nerves, which can result in pain, weakness and numbness in the arms, legs and back. When we reach our late 40s, we generally start losing bone density. The result of this loss in bone density is a weakening of our spine. This loss of bone mass results in a condition called osteopenia. Fortunately, it is possible to reverse the symptoms of spinal osteopenia. There are five ways to do so: Build a strong core, protect your joints, make sure your back is healthy, stay flexible and stretc everyday.
In case you are injured or you feel physical complications, please do give us a call at +63 (0) 960-811-5931 and visit our chiropractic clinic for a chiropractic treatment or find more information on our website